This video discusses the remaining events that need to happen prior to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. I break the events into 6 categories. Those that happen during the Times of the Gentiles and then those that happen during the times of the Jews. I further break this down into the geographies the events happen at, namely, worldwide, Jerusalem and New Jerusalem or Zion. I then discuss a new discovery about the 2nd coming that is very exciting. Events discussed include the persecution of the saints, gentiles rejecting the gospel, latter-day apostasy, the great famine, the temple built in Zion and in Jerusalem, War, Armageddon, the 2 witnesses, the 3.5 years, sun darkened, the moon turned to blood, stars falling, wormwood, Pangea, the great earthquake, islands flee, Adam-ondi-Ahman, plagues, the great scourge, COVID, mark of the beast and many more. The President Benson talk on the multiple appearance of Christ: Michael Rush's statement on Ezra's Eagle not being what he originally thought: